
We are on a journey to Redefining creativity, breaking with the established, and elevating brand experiences with a perspective that is fresh, bold and unforgettable.

Vivde is more than an agency it is an exciting journey into the world of imaginative and innovative branding.

We are vivde

Nerijus Danilevicius

CEO / Partner

Maja Nikolovska

Project Manager / Partner

Ole Færøvik

CCO / Partner

A team of creative problem solvers, designers, developers and marketers.

We ask the right questions

We are a design and marketing agency in the beautiful city of Bergen, and our team consists of creative people who have a great passion for creating strategic design and marketing solutions, pleasant user experiences and strong brands. Using leading-edge technology, valuable insights and the right tools, we deliver winning solutions for your business.

Always looking for improvement

We have founded our company with the goal of helping ambitious businesses grow and reach the industry. Our focus is to provide solutions that meet the needs of companies and provide a smooth user experience for customers. We are young and innovative, and we constantly seek to improve our knowledge, work processes and the environment around us.

Our approach is what defines us.
We are curious, ambitious and creative thinkers.


We help you design a strategy for your brand, so you can communicate your company's unique values and identity to your target audience.


Graphic design is about solving challenges in a creative way and plays an important role in developing a strong brand. We take care of your visual communication.


Through our meticulous approach to marketing, we set clear and specific goals and employ effective strategies to deliver appealing results.


Creative insight is the ability to see things in an unexpected way and find innovative solutions to problems. We love brainstorming and creative workshops.


We are open and transparent in our work processes. This contributes to increased efficiency and creates a good and inclusive work culture.


Follow-up of creative work, working methods and results is an important part of our approach. This allows us to increase the quality of our work.

with us

Ready to finally get it done?
Same here!

You are in good company

We work together with ambitious brands. let's have a chat!
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Developed with love
Vivde © 2024